From Sunk Costs to Smart Choices: A Rational Guide to Making DIY Decisions

From Sunk Costs to Smart Choices: A Rational Guide to Making DIY Decisions

How do you decide when to keep investing money and time into a project or start over? This article will give you some insights. Introduction Have you ever found yourself trying to solve a problem with a project- putting in more time and money- only to have it end up costing far more than you…

How Cold and How Long?

Bio-Individuality and Variables Affecting Responses to Cold Water Immersion by John Richter and Robyn Landis Introduction Two of the most frequently asked questions about how to create a cold-water immersion practice are: After hearing from thousands of people worldwide since 2014 about what works and doesn’t for them personally, we can say with 100% certainty…

Risks & Contraindications with Cold Water Immersion

IntroductionWe love to talk about the benefits of cold water immersion, and there are plenty of great reasons to create a regular practice. However, there are potential risks that are important to know before we start. We encourage people to go slow with their practice. Start with warmer temperatures and shorter times. Allow yourself to…

Choosing the Right Chiller for Your Cold Plunge: Understanding BTU

If you are thinking about building a DIY cold plunge, it’s essential to buy a suitable chiller to cool your water. In this article, we’ll discuss the importance of BTU (British Thermal Unit) and how it relates to chiller capacity. So get ready to make an informed decision and plunge into icy waters! BTU is…

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Do You need to Unplug Your Chest Freezer Cold Plunge Before Getting In?

TLDR: The simple answer is yes. And not just your chest freezer but all other equipment you might have connected, including the temperature controller, ozone generator, UV lamp, and pump. Why? Because there is a risk of electrical shock, possibly one strong enough to kill you. A standard chest freezer is a major electrical appliance,…

Kids & Cold Plunges- Keep Them Safe & Strong!

Overview Having a regular cold plunge practice can have amazing health and other life-changing benefits. Children are naturally curious about what their parents are doing- especially when it is something unique and different like getting into an ice bath or cold plunge. As parents, we want to encourage our child’s curiosity and courage, and cold…

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Epsom Salt, Sea Salt, & Cold Plunges

Many people are interested in maximizing the benefits while they are practicing cold water immersion. Some people meditate, use red light therapy, and grounding/earthing their water. One topic that comes up pretty regularly is about using Epsom salts in your cold plunge. Common Reasons Given for Adding Epsom Salts Before we go over the downsides,…